CNBC Videos

CNBC Videos
Links in bold indicate full-scale original productions.
Many links are no longer live ... highlighted titles have been re-attached to working vids.

Jay Leno finds out which 'space age' car appreciates best :: Dec 14, 2016
Jay Leno and Neil deGrasse Tyson blow out a window driving at 130mph :: Dec 14, 2016
Jay Leno drives a version of the $2.5 billion Mars Rover :: Dec 13, 2016
Jay Leno: Drive this to look rich :: Dec 12, 2016
Behold! The world's fastest amphibious car :: Dec 9, 2016 
Which of these three made-for-water cars appreciates best? :: Dec 8, 2016
Jay Leno drives "drunk" :: Dec 6, 2016
Jay Leno: Never use valet parking :: Dec 5, 2016
Joey Logano drives a 1963 Ford Galaxie :: Dec 2, 2016
Kendall Jenner takes Jay Leno for a spin in her '56 Corvette :: Dec 1, 2016
Do new cars appreciate as well as older cars? :: Dec 1, 2016
Peek inside Brad Paisley's $1.74m custom tour bus :: Nov 24, 2016
These 3 cars all inspired songs, but only one really appreciated in value :: Nov 24, 2016
This is what makes a car sexy :: Nov 23, 2016
Sammy Hagar's Ferrari is unlike any other in the world :: Nov 22, 2016
Do old, unrestored cars still have value? :: Nov 18, 2016
Patrick Dempsey takes Jay Leno for a wild ride :: Nov 17, 2016 
Jerry Seinfeld explains why a Porsche is 'sports car perfection' :: Nov 17, 2016
Jay Leno: Here's why cars from the '80's were terrible :: Nov 16, 2016
Love can play a role in a car's appreciation value :: Nov 11, 2016
Jay Leno swoons over a man's $12million Ferrari collection :: Nov 10, 2016
Watch Joe Biden and Colin Powell race each other in Corvettes :: Nov 10, 2016
Jay Leno: Americans should root for Tesla :: Nov 9, 2016
How one immigrant mechanic is bring back DeLorean :: Nov 9, 2016
This company overlooked a potential $50,000 in easy profit :: Oct 6, 2016
Are New York bagels really the best? :: Sep 29, 2016
How a troubled New Orleans neighborhood escaped its history :: Sep 27, 2016
Listen to LeBron James shock 'Cleveland Hustles' entrepreneurs :: Sep 22, 2016
Can hand-crafted soda compete with Coke and Pepsi? :: Sep 15, 2016
This company was throwing away potential profits :: Sep 8, 2016
How to turn a vacant lot into money ... with honey :: Sep 1, 2016
What it takes to become a WNBA MVP and Olympic gold medalist :: Aug 25, 2016
Watch these guys make big money with bagels :: Aug 25, 2016 
Olympic gold medalist: Failing made me a better athlete :: Aug 9, 2016
Entrepreneur: "We cannot depend on the government to lead" :: Aug 1, 2016
We asked people a simple question: Do they trust Hillary? :: Jul 29, 2016
Watch these Democrats struggle to say ONE nice thing about Trump :: Jul 28, 2016
This is what people should call Bill if Hillary becomes president :: Jul 27, 2016
How can Hillary get Bernie supporters to vote for her? :: Jul 26, 2016
Bernie supporters in Philly unload on Debbie Wasserman Schultz :: Jul 26, 2016
Syrian Trump supporter wants to see US crack down on immigration :: Jul 21, 2016
Watch these Republicans struggle to say ONE nice thing about Hillary :: Jul 21, 2016
Do you trust Donald Trump? :: Jul 21, 2016
GOP senator: Trump should change his tune on Putin :: Jul 20, 2016
We had some fun buying Trump swag at the RNC. Here's what $100 will get you :: Jul 20, 2016
Republican senator: Kasich should 'suck it up' :: Jul 19, 2016
These cars are valuable because of what you DON'T see :: Jul 14, 2016
Does celeb ownership affect a car's appreciation? :: Jul 4, 2016
Jay Leno gets HUGE, MASSIVE, INSANE air in a monster truck :: Jul 7, 2016
These cars aren't safe, but are they good investments? :: Jul 7, 2016
Watch Jay Leno try to drive a car on two wheels :: Jul 6, 2016
These rides don't have four wheels, but which appreciates best? :: Jun 30, 2016 
Which retired police car appreciates best over five years? :: Jun 23, 2016
Jay Leno explains 24 Hours of Le Mans :: Jun 17, 2016
Which supercar appreciates best over five years? :: Jun 16, 2016
Let's get some shoes: Footwear entrepreneur stumbled into creating demand :: Jun 15, 2016 
Wal-Mart wanted to stock her homemade product ... but she had to say no :: Jun 13, 2016
'Area man' learns micro-managing creatives is basically pointless :: Jun 6, 2016
Evernote co-founder: The secret to decision making ... :: Jun 1, 2016
GoDaddy CEO: Try this online trick to really stand out :: May 26, 2016
The franchise king :: May 24, 2016
Making made in U.S.A hip again :: May 23, 2016
Experience comfort in the warm embrace of complete failure :: May 16, 2016
Thinx CEO Miki Agrawal: Don't let a taboo get in your way :: May 12, 2016
How to compete with Craigslist and IKEA :: May 11, 2016
Brooklyn Decker: It's good to have a piece of humble pie :: May 6, 2016
Ex-Wall-Streeter making millions off people's spit :: May 5, 2016
Move over wearables. Swallowable computing has arrived :: May 3, 2016
This one ancient trick will make you a better decision maker :: May 3, 2016
Steve Case: Remember, even the internet was once a tough sell :: May 2, 2016
This woman is freezing her brain so she can see the future :: Apr 26, 2016
How Stevie Wonder and Ray Kurzweil changed music :: Apr 21, 2016
CEO who promised $70k salaries: Life's not about 'screw you' money :: Apr 18, 2016
Billionaire: Why companies fail :: Apr 12, 2016
Meet the physicist who hacked math for the rest of us :: Apr 7, 2016
Billionaire: Are you actually successful? :: Apr 5, 2016
Summiting Everest without sight :: Apr 4, 2016
Billionaire: The biggest business mistake you can make is ... :: Mar 29, 2016
How buyer's remorse created Bose's audio empire :: Mar 24, 2016
Billionaire: Follow the 5% rule to succeed in business :: Mar 22, 2016
Advice for young restaurant entrepreneurs :: Mar 2, 2016
It's on the menu ... just because :: Feb 24, 2016
Why you can't fake being a good chef :: Feb 17, 2016
Cooking for fun to cooking for fortune :: Feb 10, 2016
What is success in the restaurant business? :: Feb 3, 2016
Restaurant menu money makers :: Jan 27, 2016
Power couples of porn :: Jan 22, 2016
This is why restaurants fail :: Jan 20, 2016
Rep. John Lewis: Voting rights debate as clear as in '63 and '65 :: Jan 18, 2016
Invest in fresh: Ingredients matter :: Jan 12, 2016
Is tipping going away in America? :: Jan 5, 2016
Do not touch Jay Leno's cars ... unless you're a kid :: Dec 1, 2015
Electric is nice, but is gasoline here to stay? :: Nov 30, 2015
Is there value in collecting cars like artwork? :: Nov 24, 2015
Is it too late to buy those old, classic cars in Cuba? :: Nov 17, 2015
Finding car treasures in the junk yard :: Nov 11, 2015
Jay Leno: Newer cars are like young women :: Nov 10, 2015
Jay Leno: My worst purchase :: Nov 4, 2015
Is sea water the fuel of the future? :: Nov 3, 2015
Recommending marijuana to the GOP presidential candidates :: Oct 28, 2015
Vote for the other party or Earth swallows itself :: Oct 28, 2015
For value, should I paint my car to its original ugly color? :: Oct 21, 2015
Jay Leno: I don't buy cars as investments :: Oct 20, 2015
Jay Leno isn't interested in Chinese cars ... yet :: Oct 14, 2015
Jay Leno: Self-driving cars aren't REALLY self-driving :: Oct 13, 2015
Jay Leno: Car sharing like wife sharing :: Oct 7, 2015
Can fixing up a classic car make it worth LESS? :: Oct 6, 2015
Why Jay Leno felt like 'an idiot' buying his Tesla :: Oct 1, 2015
She took the private jet ... to lunch :: Aug 12, 2015
How to age whiskey in only one week :: Aug 6, 2015 
The kids are all right (and definitely all wrong) (VidCon) :: Jul 27, 2015
Can these social media fans name these famous faces? (VidCon) :: Jul 24, 2015
Who makes the best fast food French fries? :: Jul 13, 2015
Ultimate spa day surprise :: Jun 10, 2015
High-tech, low pain heels? (eMerge) :: May 6, 2015
Start-up words to live by from entrepreneurs (eMerge) :: May 6, 2015
Supercharge sales with holograms? (eMerge) :: May 5, 2015
11-year-old fashion designer rocks the runway (eMerge) :: May 5, 2015
What's inside the Coca-Cola vault? :: Apr 24, 2015
How much does it cost to go to The Masters? :: Apr 9, 2015
But seriously, who pays for porn? (AVN) :: Feb 13, 2015
Puppies on demand by Uber :: Jan 29, 2015
How would porn stars invest $10,000 (AVN) :: Jan 27, 2015
Women and guns: Size matters (SHOT Show) :: Jan 23, 2015
Porn billboards in Times Square? (AVN) :: Jan 22, 2015
When guns and porno mix (it's glorious) (AVN) :: Jan 21, 2015
Porno for the plus-sized is (ahem) getting bigger (AVN) :: Jan 21, 2015
Help kickstart a new sex toy (AVN) :: Jan 21, 2015
Behold! The bravest man at CES (CES) :: Jan 9, 2015
Does kids' shoe take ADD to the next level? (CES) :: Jan 9, 2015
Big Ass Fans for big ass savings? (CES) :: Jan 9, 2015
Would you buy this $499 wallet of the future? (CES) :: Jan 9, 2015
Now your phone  knows if you're drunk (CES) :: Jan 8, 2015
This yoga mat might put yogis out of a job (CES) :: Jan 8, 2015
The Raticator: A 10,000 volt mousetrap that sends texts (CES) :: Jan 8, 2015
Move over Roomba? Samsung's new vacuum just loves to work (CES) :: Jan 7, 2015
Cheaper than Beats, but better than $10 earbuds? (CES) :: Jan 7, 2015
Would you pay $1,200 to see the stars at night? (CES) :: Jan 7, 2015